

Regulation of breathing

*In further: Regulation of breathing…[i.e. neural control]

The respiratory control center is located in the brainstem,{medulla and pons} & is made up of three major groups of neurons, two in the medulla and one in the pons. 
The medulla oblongata is the primary respiratory control center. Its main function is to send signals to the muscles of respiration to cause breathing to occur. the two groups of neurons are “Dorsal respiratory group” (stimulates inspiratory movements), and “Ventral respiratory group” (stimulates expiratory movements).*NB: The respiratory centers contain also the chemoreceptors that detect the pH levels in the blood by increasing or decreasing the level of carbon dioxide (i.e. how carbon dioxide will not associate to the higher levels of hydrogen ions in blood)..
Whereas the Pons is the other respiratory control center, located above the medulla. Its main function is to control the rate or amount of respiration, and has two main functional regions of: *Apneustic center: sends signals for inspiration to control the amount of air breathing in (i.e. Lung volume & gas inflow) & *Pnuemotaxic center: sends signals to inhibit inspiration (up to maximum level)

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